Where Mike Stands On The Issues
Every bill the legislature passes must be available for public comment one day for each page of the bill (standard font size and page length required) or the Governor will veto the bill outright. If a bill attempts to violate the fundamental rights of North Carolinians, the Governor will veto the bill. We are supposed to be governed by consent of the public, and it is time for the Uniparty to actually seek it!
Every child deserves a quality education that serves as preparation for adulthood. My “uniparty” opponents want to try to solve our public education problems by increasing the money flow without solving underlying problems. They often promote school choice as an answer, which may simply lead to a government-imposed influence on private schools and other alternatives. If we must have tax revenue funding education, then we must also eliminate any state interest or bureaucracy regarding what teachers are forced to teach, and empower parents should make these decisions as they determine the course for their child’s learning. The state should wind down the current monopoly on education and replace it with a 100% equitable distribution of all education money among the students. Lottery money will no longer be an offset of the budget but will be distributed on a per-student basis to all schools, home schools, micro-schools, or any new free market solutions that meet competency requirements by grade. Schools may choose their own curriculum and parents may choose whatever solutions works best for their children. To solve our educational challenges, we will need innovative, free market solutions so our children can be confident learners while participating in an educational approach that enhances their success.
Protect the Police –
- Minimum entry-level police salary of 50k
- 20% immediate across-the-board salary increase
- Four weeks starting / minimum paid vacation
- Full psychological support
- Mentorship programs
- Stop asking cops to risk their lives over victimless crimes
- Reward good officers who selflessly serve and protect
Protect the Public –
- End qualified immunity and stop forcing the public to pay for bad police work
- Police records travel between jobs
- Minimum 1-year training + 6 months probationary period
- End no knock warrants
- End civil asset forfeiture
- End military weapon purchases
- Civilian review boards
- Body camera transparency
- Required annual independent mental health evaluation
End the countless layers of taxation that hinder the economic prosperity of North Carolinians. We will immediately stop interfering in the free market with revenue-generating schemes that unfairly favor some over others. We understand that a prosperous North Carolina is the best way to encourage a peaceful and tolerant society.
We recognize the importance of being good stewards of our beautiful planet and preserving it for generations to come. We see no need for arbitrary, draconian regulatory limits that do nothing to improve the air or water but create prohibitive barriers of entry for potentially innovative new clean technologies. In particular, since the federal government has asserted itself in this arena aggressively, we see no need to do anything with things like emissions limits. Instead, we will protect NC beaches, wetlands, mountains and farmland from nefarious corporate and international parties who have no incentive to protect our state. We will also create an economic environment where innovative free market solutions that help the environment can thrive.
We have no interest in telling people how to live, and we want to protect our police by not asking them to risk their lives over victimless crimes. We do not recognize the government’s right to tell you what you can and cannot ingest into your own body.
This is another area where government interference stifles the free market’s ability to meet individual’s needs. The government must be removed from the doctor-patient relationship. We will end unnecessary regulations and endless bureaucracy that drives up healthcare costs and results in subpar outcomes. Ending certificates of need, ending prescription import restrictions, and requiring medical billing transparency are essential to freeing the market to better serve North Carolinians.