Mike’s Priorities
Instead of politicians who forget you exist until the election, then spend incomprehensible amounts of special interest money to make you hate each other so they can get elected and do the bidding of those special interests, our only objective will be to strip away every ounce of bureaucratic lard wrapped in an administrative nightmare, and replace it with a government that answers to the citizens, not the donors.

Transparent Govt.
Every bill the legislature passes must be available for public comment one day for each page of the bill or the Governor…

Free Market Education
Every child deserves a quality education that serves as preparation for adulthood. My “uniparty” opponents want to…

Police Reform
Protect the Police and Protect the Public. This includes a minimum entry-level police salary of 50k, a 20% immediate across-the-board…

Peace & Prosperity
End the countless layers of taxation that hinder the economic prosperity of North Carolinians. We will immediately stop…
Meet Mike
Mike Ross has lived in the Charlotte area for more than two decades with his wife of 18 years and their son. He obtained degrees in business and finance before becoming a Certified Financial Planner. After getting his start in tech, he began working in the corporate sector…
Why We Support Mike
Mike Ross is a community leader with a heart for serving the people of North Carolina. I’ve watched Mike firsthand, finding people in need, organizing the community to help them, and refusing to stop until they succeed. I am honored to be Mike’s friend, and North Carolina would be in an incredible position with him as your next Governor.
During my time as Chair of the Libertarian Party of North Carolina, I had the opportunity to work with Mike Ross who is the treasurer of the LPNC. Due to his professional financial background, Mike is very detail oriented and took the organization’s financial tracking to the next level by making it more thorough, yet streamlined. I have also had the chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mike doing some activism work in his home county of Gastonia. Mike was the main organizer for the rallies for Justice and Compassion, which focused on the unconstitutional arrest of Army Vet Joshua Rohrer and to try and help local Pastor Moses Colbert cut through the governmental red tape in order to serve the homeless through voluntary means. Finally, I know that if elected, Mike will help to implement libertarian ideals on issues such as financial, justice/police, and healthcare reform. Please join me in voting for Mike Ross for Governor of North Carolina.
Libertarian Mike Ross, running for NC governor, has shown—in deeds, not just words—that he will fight for the little guy and gal. Mr. Ross has no problem standing up to entrenched government interests if they are abusing our vets and their support animals, as some bad apples on the police force have done in Gastonia. Ross is a financial consultant who focuses on helping his low-income neighbors navigate the legal intricacies that can trip up the uninformed. Will North Carolinians vote for business as usual, or for a governor whose business is protecting everyday Joe and Jane? Only time will tell…
I support Mike Ross because North Carolina needs a Libertarian in charge who will put the people of North Carolina first! I was raised in Hickory and North Carolina is where I first came to know the Libertarian principles. Libertarian principles are something most Carolinians already live by, things like: Don’t hurt others, and don’t take their stuff, you own your body and the products of your labor, and that the 2nd amendment wasn’t put in the constitution just for hunting, the 2nd amendment is to protect yourself and your property. I trust Mike Ross for Governor of North Carolina because the mission of every Libertarian platform, policy, and plan is MORE FREEDOM, LESS GOVERNMENT!
The Liberty & Prosperity Revolution
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This country is based on the idea that we all have rights, and the government exists to protect those rights. MLK put it as a call for creative extremists but all he was really asking for was fundamental equal rights for everyone, the opposite of extremism. Similarly, we have devolved into a country where extremists on both sides demonize each other while trying to take your rights to implement their version of authoritarian morality. We're calling for a revolution, away from extremist vitriol and hateful rhetoric, rejecting massive overreach of wasteful, harmful policy, and back to a peaceful and prosperous world founded in basic reward for hard work and mutual respect for fellow humans.